What is a National Provider Identifier (NPI)?
It’s a ten-digit number assigned to health-care providers and organizations that fall under the HIPAA definition of covered entities. The NPI registration details is a unique identifier that is assigned for the rest of the life.
What does an NPI do?
- Replace all other provider identifiers previously used by health care providers (for example, UPIN, Medicare/Medicaid numbers, etc.).
- Develop a national standard and unique identifier for all health care providers.
- Streamline the administration of the health-care system.
- Make it simple to send health-related data online.
What does an NPI not do?
- Replace the tax identification number (TIN), which is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Publicize information about the service provider (for example, provider type, service location, etc.).
- Guarantee payment by health plans.
- Enroll health-care professionals in health-care plans.
Who should apply for an NPI?
- Physicians, dentists, and pharmacists are examples of individual health care providers.
- Hospitals, pharmacies, group practices, laboratories, ambulatory care facilities, and nursing homes are examples of organizational health care providers.
Tax IDs:
Your Tax ID can be either your social security number (SSN) or, if you have registered a business, your employment identification number (E-IN). You will select one or the other in a tick box on any CMS1500 claim form to detail which tax ID you are using to file your claims.
Does the NPI replace the tax ID number?
No, both the tax ID number and the NPI of the billing provider are always required on claims. Any additional providers, such as a rendering company or a service facility, must be recognised solely by their NPI. It is not necessary to give their tax ID number.
Is NPI same as tax ID?
No, NPI and tax IP are not same. They both serves their individual purposes.